Lenten Fasting
As has been the tradition of our bishops since the canonical establishment of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese in 1938, the following fasting regulations are in effect for all clergy and laity:
1) The first day of Lent (Clean Monday), is a day of strict abstinence; likewise Good Friday and Holy Saturday.  On these days, no meat or dairy products may be eaten.
2) All Wednesdays and Fridays during this entire Season are days of abstinence from meat.
3) Meat and meat products may not be eaten all of Holy Week.
4) For the evening Pre-sanctified Liturgy, a minimal three-hour fast from all food and drink must be observed before the reception of Holy Communion. (Normal fasting from midnight is practiced before the liturgies of St. John Chrysostom and St. Basil the Great.)
5) Where the Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil the Great is celebrated on Holy Thursday, the three-hour fast is required.
These are the minimum requirements to be observed during this Season. As our bishops have always reminded us, for those of stronger body and more willing spirit, the penitential practices of a sterner quality which the time-honored traditions and customs of our Holy Orthodox Church have handed down to us are whole-heartedly recommended.


Holy Cross Orthodox Mission
A parish of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese